Luckily GOD does make it relatively easy for us as humans (by GOD's standards ...VERY easy!) to be SAVED from the terrible and undesireable outcome of going to hell.
As it turns out GOD cared for us folks so much that he sent his son JESUS down to earth to live amongst us and to teach us about his father - GOD ... to clarify the two choices we have and to "level" with us, as an insider of heaven, about what GOD would be satisfied with from us and what he would not be satisfied with. Why? Because the humans who were supposed to explain these things to us - the Pharisees and Sadducees and the other religious leaders of the day were spreading so much "misinformation" about GOD that we were all getting the wrong idea about GOD. It is therefore clear that these religious leaders were not serving GOD, and thus were very threatened by his son JESUS. In effect, GOD sent his son JESUS to set the record straight - to be our SAVIOUR. His message was clear and predictable: "Do not believe these religious leaders, believe me, I am well qualified as GOD's son, to give you the inside story about GOD and how to get to heaven, no-one else is qualified to tell you these things!" A pretty reasonable argument in hindsight, kind of like a president's secretary of state giving us the inside story on what goes on in the oval office and how the president thinks, versus some or other political correspondent sitting in on a bar stool trying, from the outside where he occasionaly gets a fleeting glimpse of the president's mind, to do the same thing. Who would you trust to get the facts straight? So that is why we say GOD sent us a SAVIOUR when he sent us his son JESUS to live amongst us, because by giving us the "inside scoop" and provided us with enough information about GOD's intentions for us GOD SAVED us from Satan's misinformation and from Satan's plan to see us all go to hell. Of course these religious leaders, true to human nature, found this message very threatening and tried in their naivity to "kill the messenger" ... GOD's son. That it did not work should come as no surprise. It could only have worked if JESUS was human like us, since we all know that if someone kills us ... we die! Instead JESUS simply rose again, back to life [and appeared to his disciples as well as a gathering of more than 500 people (Cor. 15:5-6)] and there were enough people willing to die (and they did) testifying to that end that we should believe them. Remember that the night before he was killed, they fled and/or denied they ever knew him in case they too would get killed. So what would make them be willing to change their views and stubbornly refuse to budge from their story that he rose again ... OTHER THAN THAT VERY FACT! I don't know about you, but it would take something as dramatic as that for me to die defending it. I certainly would NOT die for a whopping big lie! Kind of makes one think, doesn't it? (Click here to find out more about this intriguing man known as JESUS)? Thinking (deeply) is EXACTLY what we all ought to do, instead of wiling away the few precious moments we have left to uncover the "clues" and to find the "treasure". there really are only two paths to travel down for folks like you and us: